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Product Name
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Main ingredient:  abietic acid and Rosin acid anhydride。
Appearance: light yellow to yellow brown transparent block
Character:  It has special smell; and is insoluble in water; soluble in ethyl alcohol, diethyl ether, acetone, benzene, carbon disulfide, turpentine, oil, and aqueous alkali.
Uses:  Raw material of various phenolic aldehyde and resin coating; softening agent of regenerated rubber; widely applied in paper making, paint, medical, dyeing, coating and textile industry; with function of moisture proofing, preservative, insulation, emulsifying and adhesive.
Packaging specification: galvanized sheet iron drum (225kg/drum), outer woven inner paper (40kg/bag)
Storage and transportation:  store in cool, dry and ventilated warehouse to keep it away from fire and heat source


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